Schüler im Labor

Learning by doing –
in our lab courses

Explore and study the world on your own and conduct your own experiments. This is at the core of our lab courses. The thematic spectrum is broad and there is something for every age group among our 60 different courses.

Our courses:

Elementary school

Elementary school schildren already have a surprising understanding of the world. In our courses for grades 1 to 4 they study phenomena that they encounter every day. Where does the water come from that comes out of the tap and where does it go? How are gummy bears made? What makes electricity dangerous?

The courses last between 2.5 or 3 hours (including breaks) and are for a maximum of 30 participants. At least two chaperones may be necessary in some cases. There is a materials cost of 5 Euros per participant and a minimum charge of 60 Euros (even with fewer participants). Two accompanying persons have free admission.

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Upper secondary level I

From robotics to the production of table salt to climate change and radioactivity: in our courses for the upper secondary level I, students delve deeper into a wide range of complex questions. The focus in the process is always on experiencing, understanding and research.

Depending on the subject, the courses last between 3 to 4 hours (including breaks) and are for a maximum of 32 participants. There is a materials cost of 6 Euros per participant and a minimum charge of 60 Euros (even with fewer participants). Two accompanying persons have free admission.

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Upper secondary level II

In the courses for the upper secondary level II, the subject is advanced topics in natural science. Subjects range from the production of aspirin to cancer diagnostics or experiments in nuclear physics. In addition to theory, the focus is also on practical application: students do their own research and experiments.

Depending on the subject, the courses last between 4 to 6.5 hours (including breaks) and are for a maximum of 26 participants. There is a materials cost of 5 to 8 Euros per participant and a minimum charge of 60 Euros (even with fewer participants). Two accompanying persons have free admission.

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State competition Jugend forscht

experimenta and the natec Landesverband are partner institutions for state competition Jugend forscht Baden-Württemberg. The competition for young scientific talent takes place every year: participants initially take part in regional competitions. Participants initially compete in regional competitions. The winners then compete regionally in seven categories. The winners of the regionals qualify for the national competition.

State competition Jugend forscht

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