Mind your brain!
Jugend forscht Glühbirne
Mind your brain!
Jugend forscht Glühbirne

The special exhibition

October 27, 2023 – May 9, 2024

Your team spirit is called for in this diverse special exhibition created by the Finnish science center Heureka. At interactive stations you work together in small groups to discover how you can challenge your brain.

Choose a brain to accompany you through the exhibition. It glows more intensely the more stations you visit – revealing how much your own brain is profiting from your visit to the exhibition!

The special exhibition also provides information in easy read, sign language, as an audio format as well as a tactile guidance system.

Das Logo von Heureka

Book your experimenta ticket online now. The special exhibition is included in the price.

Warning from the He

Head First

» You’re not just a head! You’re a fingertip, shoulder-top, tip of the tounge, top of the lung, and it’s all tip-top! «

Poem from the exhibition, original by Laura Ruohonen, translated into English by Outi Kainulainen.

Jugend forscht 2023
Warning from headoffice: This exhibition will brand your brain!

The cosmos of the brain


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A cosmos full of wonder is hidden in our head – our brain. . It is one of the most complex structures we know. Around 86 billion nerve cells are connected in a gigantic network. It still holds many secrets even today.

Set out on an adventure with friends and family and discover the astounding capabilities of your brain in this exhibition!

Dancing, music, crafts and puzzles form new connections in your brain. Social gatherings make you happy. But the brain needs variety above anything else! In addition to physical and mental activity, it also needs periods of rest. But it is never inactive! The brain works tirelessly at full throttle even when you are asleep. A number of stations in the exhibition let you directly experience what your brain needs. And if you’d like to learn more about how you can shape, challenge and protect your brain, visit the Wisdom tables. You can find out more about your brain there.